Frontalis muscle  
This muscle extends vertically from above the eyebrows. It raises the eyebrows, and makes facial lines. Transverse wrinkles will remain after the aging of the frontalis muscles.
Corrugator supercilii muscle
This muscle surrounds the eyes and is responsible for opening and closing them. The muscle is generally very thin, so it can reflex quickly. However it unfortunately easily causes wrinkles.
Orbicularis oculi muscle   
This muscle surrounds the eyes and is responsible for opening and closing them. The muscle is generally very thin, so it can reflex quickly. However it unfortunately easily causes wrinkles.
Greater zygomatic muscle  
When you laugh with your mouth wide open (as in going “ha ha”) this muscle lifts up the corners of your mouth, and makes for an impressionable smile. If you exercise this muscle, you can get smooth looking and wrinkle resistant skin.
Lesser zygomatic muscle
This muscle is important for smiling as it keeps raised the corners of the mouth. By this action, cheeks loosen, and you will get a natural smile. If this muscle ages, your cheeks will sag.
Cheek muscle
This muscle extends towards both corners of the mouth from the joints in upper and lower jaws and raises the corners of the mouth. If the muscle ages, the corner s of the mouth will sag. This muscle is essential for smiling.
Masseter muscle  
It's also called the “chewing muscle”. This is the muscle that closes the jaw when you chew. It is commonly believed that you can avoid senility by regular chewing action.
The laughing muscle
This muscle helps stretch the corners of the mouth. It extends to the corner of the mouth from the jaws. It also causes the attractive dimpling effect. When you loose elasticity it can affect the mouths aesthetic appearance.
Depressor muscle of the mouth
This muscle pulls the jaw down . If the muscle gets overly exerted, vertical wrinkles will appear from the corner of the mouth to the lower jaw.
Orbicular muscle of mouth
This muscle is found around the mouth. It closes the mouth, and pushes the lips out. It also moves slightly the corners of the mouth. If the muscle gets overly exerted it can be of detriment to aging.